EXPAND, The Podcast

Ep. 020 – Is Your Client “Aware Of The Real Problem”? – You’re Not Done Yet

By October 8, 2021No Comments


Episode Description

Awareness tools and mindset “work” is great and all…but let’s face it…it’s not really creating the profound behavioral shifts and breakthrough moments we hope for, is it?

Sure, we’re taught mindfulness strategies, affirmations, journaling, talk therapy, motivational interviewing, and other helpful awareness tools in our certifications.

Plus it’s ingrained into us how important changing our clients mindset and relationship with food is in order for truly sustainable change to occur…right?

But the trouble is, when we try to keep using these same strategies after awareness has already been created? (Or in other words – after your client can identify the deeper reason why they’re stuck in a loop?)

It’s like pouring water on the fire alarm trying to put out the fire.

So then…what DO we do after we create awareness? Where DO we go from there?

This is where traditional coaching falls short…we aren’t taught how to help them take that next step…which is why I love this episode.

You’re going to learn exactly where to take your clients next so you can stop having the same conversations every week and actually create some forward momentum.

Here Are a Few Ways We Can Keep This Party Going 🥳…

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