EXPAND, The Podcast

Ep. 166 – Want To Stop Spending Hours Planning For Client Sessions? Listen To This.

By March 15, 2023No Comments


Episode Description

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Have you ever experienced a moment with a client where you offered a solution, idea, or action item…& they agree to give it a try, but somehow you sense that they aren’t fully onboard with what you’re offering? Perhaps it’s something in the tone of their voice, or their facial expression changes suddenly…you might even sense a shift in their body language.

Chances are, if what you offered was pre-planned, you may have been blocked from witnessing the subtleties of your clients’ current experience. One of the most difficult shifts we can make as coaches is moving away from pre-planning our coaching sessions and instead, learning to be whole-heartedly present with our clients experiences as they’re reflecting them back to us.

In this episode, Laura offers us the idea that becoming aware ourselves and our clients in these moments and pulling them to the surface is the key to catching patterns that are playing out in many areas of their lives. When we can become present enough and hold them in that experience, we can disarm the power that unconscious pattern has over them.

With time, we begin to create new patterns, where they can feel safe to look at the discomfort that’s coming up, or why they didn’t feel comfortable doing the action step that you ask them to do.

I’m here to be and hold a safe space for coaches to break traditional molds and ascend into a frequency of simplicity and ease. If you desire to begin walking this path, here’s a few ways we can do that together:

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