Episode Description
Your clients SAY that they want food freedom…that they really don’t want to weigh themselves every day…
…that they want to just feel better in their lives…confident in their bodies…and free from the constant chatter in their minds, right?
Yet…when they still struggle to separate their success on the scale from their off-scale victories…and every coaching call turns into a debate about what success “really” looks like…
…and how “the scale doesn’t tell the whole story”…What are we supposed to do?
Well, in this episode I share my pre-weigh-in perspective shift strategy that subconsciously creates a cascade of positive feedback (instead of negative) despite what the scale says…
…and I share with you how to more effectively navigate the scale conversation to avoid accidentally creating more resistance and pushback from your clients…
…and get THEM to actually start to tell you what their off-scale wins are (without any prompting)!
Here Are a Few Ways We Can Keep This Party Going 🥳…
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