EXPAND, The Podcast

Ep. 127 – Reclaiming Inner Safety + Trust After Investing In The Wrong Person or Program

By October 28, 2022No Comments


Episode Description

This is a clip from a recent IG Live I held that was inspired by my experiences with past mentors and how I learned to reclaim my inner safety + get back to a place where I trusted myself after many years of following someone else’s path.

As heart-centered coaches, it is imperative that we learn to trust ourselves to make decisions, to listen to our intuition, and to better become aware of what we received out of the decision to hire someone who we perceive to have wronged us, or we feel misled us, or didn’t give us what we felt like we desired to get from them…

In this episode, I’ll guide you into a curious conversation with yourself to dive into your awareness and better understand how to move forward from this place.

If you love this style of conversation, join us inside The Secret Garden to experience the magic of these rooms for yourself, plus discover the additional premium content and support available exclusively for members of our community. Each layer of this experience is designed to stretch you to new edges, unravel your conditioning and wake you up to your truth so you can stand in your gift and lead your people from that place.


I’m here to help you develop a sturdy confidence and unique potency in the way you communicate with, connect to, and show up for your clients – and yourself. If you desire to link arms with me in a bigger way, here’s a few ways we can do that…

🌹Check out The Secret Garden | an immersive membership where coaches realign to the truth of who they are, stand in their gift & discover how to lead from that place.

🦋Explore My Workshops | a collection of trainings designed to activate your true calling and push you to new edges.

🌼Connect with me on Instagram | for all the random nuggets I share…plus a direct line to chat with me about anything you need support with.


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