EXPAND, The Podcast

Ep. 167 – Getting + Keeping Buy-In From Our Clients To Take Them Deeper

By March 17, 2023No Comments


Episode Description

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Today, we chat through the importance of obtaining consent from clients before delving into deep, unconscious work. As coaches, we cannot assume that just because we desire our clients to move through deeper work, that they are ready and willing to engage in that kind of work.

This episode teaches us how to pre-frame the journey and offers us ways to confirm whether our client feels safe to be engaged in that type of relationship with us, and whether they are ready for it.

One of the most important things we can look out for as coaches is noticing when a client verbally consents to the work, but their body language may indicate that they are not ready or are uncomfortable with it. Learning to read the subtleties of our clients is one of the greatest tools along our journey.

I’m here to be and hold a safe space for coaches to break traditional molds and ascend into a frequency of simplicity and ease. If you desire to begin walking this path, here’s a few ways we can do that together:

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