We put a lot of thought into the way our clients will view the prices of our programs, don’t we?
We play countless scenarios through our minds…mentally overcoming every possible objection we could face.
And yet? We rarely ever stop to think about how the number we place on our value – and the way we justify what we’re charging – is actually affecting us on a deep, malicious
, subconscious level.
You see, when we get caught in justification mode (aka: when we start spinning stories about why we’re charging what we are…why that makes sense for us…and why we “feel good” about it)
We’re already (and accidentally) setting ourselves up for failure.
Because the minute our client scenario doesn’t look exactly like we mapped out in our mind that it was going to look like in order for that price to “feel good” for us to charge?
(ie: maybe you miss a check in, or you don’t get back to them within 24 hours like you promised…)
You get hit with a wave of self-doubt, sabotage, and fear of those clients leaving you because your perceived value no longer matches your cost.
So, in today’s video you’re going to discover how to shift your money mindset around your price so you can stand firmly in your value and never second guess if you’re doing enough for your clients ever again.