Episode Description
It’s become a right of passage to hire a mentor as early as possible in your career. And with the limitless number of them available, it’s also become pretty easy to find one that feels somewhat aligned with a strategy that’s “proven” by all the coaches who came before you. The trouble is…when we outsource our intuition…our desires…and our direction to someone else BEFORE we even have the chance to know for ourselves what feels good for us?
We accidentally end up silencing the truest parts of ourselves and distrusting the nudges we’re offered when something isn’t meant for us. Not only is this a dangerous, slippery slope towards building a misaligned, hustle-y, grindy kind of business…but it also trains us to look outside of ourselves for the right way to BE in this space. In this episode I aim to shine a light into these little-known corners and guide you to explore how to begin to tap back into the truth of YOU and lead yourself forward from that place.
Introducing…The Secret Garden: a membership where brilliant coaches bloom.
The Secret Garden is a room that exists for the black sheep of our industry. A room for the heart centered, the misunderstood, and the ones who were made to feel wrong for their innate knowing they were meant to do things differently.
A room that exists to instill into you the courage to be seen for who you really are and to allow that knowing to ripple outwards into the lives of the people you’re meant to lead and serve. The lives you’re meant to change are activated through your courage…through your unique voice…and through the way that you connect with your people in a way that only you can.
But it starts with you connecting back with yourself first in a way that only YOU can.
To become a founding member listen to Episode #97 on EXPAND …and then email laura@laurapoburan.com for early access.
Here Are a Few Ways We Can Keep This Party Going 🥳
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🔥 Check Out TriggerMapping, An Immersive Mentorship For Coaches: