Ep. 012 – How To Market Your Business If You’re a Heart-Centered Coach

By EXPAND, The Podcast No Comments


Episode Description

The fact is, most online coaches want more clients…and if they could get a steady stream of people reaching out to them and happily paying their premium prices? Even better.

But not all of us want to be the wolf-on-wall-street in order to get em.

So high-pressure marketing tactics? They feel kinda…gross. Amiright?

Trust me, I get it.

Which is why if you’ve ever felt frustrated by the lack of REAL information about how to market yourself as a coach…or if you’ve tried a few of those things out yourself…and you still feel like you are the furthest thing from having it “figured out”…

I have something suuuuper cool for you.

A cheatsheet.

(just kidding)


It’s the secret I figured out to marketing yourself in a really flowy, easy, anti-hype-y way

So your people can actually connect with you and what you have to say. Here’s a quick 5-minute episode where I talk about it 🙂

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Ep. 011 – 4 Ways To Instantly Bring Deeper Connection Into Your Coaching Relationship

By EXPAND, The Podcast No Comments


Episode Description

Connecting with our clients in a truly vulnerable way has never been more important than it is today. In this podcast, I’m going to show you how true connection *really* works and how powerful it can be to get to a place where you can guarantee life-altering change with EVERY client you work with…​

…charge the kind of money the pro’s do (we’re talking 1K/month here, love)…​

…keep your clients for as long as you want…​

…and have a waitlist of people who will pay you in advance just to save their spot in line.

Thing is love, if you want all of that^^?​

You’re going to have to graduate from being just another nutritionist…and you’ll need to be able to do more than customize nutrition plans and “check-in” with your clients.​

You’ll need a high level of certainty in how to predictably create consistent results regardless of your clients’ challenges or hidden subconscious blocks keeping them from changing…​

…which means…ya gotta CONNECT with em first, baby.​

So if you want to explore what this could look like for you? I teach you how in this 10-minute episode.

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Ep. 010 – “Charging Your Worth” is Outdated… Discover Your True Value & How To Charge For It

By EXPAND, The Podcast No Comments


Episode Description

We put a lot of thought into the way our clients will view the prices of our programs, don’t we?​

We play countless scenarios through our minds…mentally overcoming every possible objection we could face.​

And yet? ➡️ We rarely ever stop to think about how the number we place on our value – and the way we justify what we’re charging – is actually affecting us on a deep, subconscious level.​
So, in today’s episode, you’re going to discover the deeper way this approach is setting yourself up to fail…and how to shift your money mindset around your price so you can stand firmly in your value and never second guess if you’re doing enough for your clients ever again.​

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Ep. 009 – My Unconventional Way To Landing More Nutrition Clients

By EXPAND, The Podcast No Comments


Episode Description

Let’s face it, there are more coaches than ever flooding Instagram with their “I’ll help you change forever” promises🙄🙄…​

…which means it’s also more confusing than ever for people to figure out who is going to be able to get them to their goals – and who is full of 💩​
(which also, unfortunately, means they hire no one and stay stuck trying to figure it out on their own).​

But who can blame them? When we all look and sound exactly the same, it’s no wonder people tend to armour up and approach you with suspicion instead of excitement…with fear instead of transparency.​

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Ep. 008 – Can’t Get Your Client To Break Up With Their Numbers Obsessed Thinking? Try this.

By EXPAND, The Podcast No Comments


Episode Description

Your clients SAY that they want food freedom…that they really don’t want to weigh themselves every day…

…that they want to just feel better in their lives…confident in their bodies…and free from the constant chatter in their minds, right?

Yet…when they still struggle to separate their success on the scale from their off-scale victories…and every coaching call turns into a debate about what success “really” looks like…

…and how “the scale doesn’t tell the whole story”…What are we supposed to do?

Well, in this episode I share my pre-weigh-in perspective shift strategy that subconsciously creates a cascade of positive feedback (instead of negative) despite what the scale says…

…and I share with you how to more effectively navigate the scale conversation to avoid accidentally creating more resistance and pushback from your clients…

…and get THEM to actually start to tell you what their off-scale wins are (without any prompting)!

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Ep. 007 – What Your Clients Personality Can Tell You About Their Chances Of Success

By EXPAND, The Podcast No Comments


Episode Description

What if I told you that even the most “customized” programs out there are often still missing the mark when it comes to truly matching the plan to the way the client is uniquely wired to follow it?

Our client’s identity is the single most powerful part of the human psyche that controls whether or not someone changes or stays the same.​

And the thing is, when it comes to really understanding how our clients think?​

And using that as a cornerstone in how we guide them?​

Very few coaches get this right.​

In this episode, I go over exactly how to start using your clients’ personality to your advantage and instantly see a profound difference in the results you’re able to get with them.

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Ep. 006 – Little-Known Ways YOU Could Actually Be Triggering Your Clients!

By EXPAND, The Podcast No Comments


Episode Description

Knowing the right thing to say (and exactly how to say it) when working with our clients can be one of the most daunting things we come up against as coaches.

In this episode, I aim to shine a light on the 3 of the most commonly overlooked mistakes we make in a coaching session that could be triggering our clients to get defensive (and sometimes even unknowingly resist what it is we’re asking them to do)…

…so that we can keep them more consistent, accountable, and invested in the process without having the same conversations every week or coaxing them to stay on track.

By the end of this episode, not only will you know exactly why the words we choose to use are so powerful in these situations, but exactly what to do and say instead to create a much more powerful coaching dynamic with your client and guaranteeable adherence to your plan.

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Ep. 005 – Take Your Client Check-Ins to the Next Level

By EXPAND, The Podcast No Comments


Episode Description

You’ve heard it said before: if you want better answers, you have to ask better questions.

And the questions we ask on our check-in forms? Are no exception.

So if you want your clients to take their coaching with you seriously…to open up to you, go deeper with you, and give you all the information you need in order to get them the best results possible?

Tune in to this episode.

Inside I dish on the 5 check-in questions you need to be asking your clients every single week…

…the subconscious reasons why they’re different from what you’re currently using…

…and how to pre-frame your clients for their check-ins so that they actually look forward to filling it out (in deep, delicious detail) without having to convince them or remind them to.

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Ep. 004 – Instantly Up-Level Your Coaching Conversations About the Hard Stuff

By EXPAND, The Podcast No Comments


Episode Description

It’s not always our clients’ lack of adherence that is the reason for their lack of progress.​

Sometimes? It’s simply because we aren’t going DEEP ENOUGH. ​

Which is no surprise, it’s not like our certifications taught us what questions to ask or how to ask them, right?

But typically when we stop ourselves from really “digging in”? It’s because of these 7 things:​

👉🏼We convince ourselves that we already went deep enough…that we need to stay in our lane​

👀We feel afraid of crossing the invisible therapist scope of practice line (we convince ourselves that we shouldn’t be asking about certain topics because that’s not “what they hired us for”)​

🙈We aren’t sure what to do with deeper answers so we stop ourselves from asking deeper questions​

👩🏼‍💻We feel responsible to fix any and all problems they present to us and that feels too heavy…we aren’t good at holding boundaries and loving supporting space at the same time​

🙋🏼‍♀️We struggle with feeling like we are letting them down if we don’t have an immediate solution​

😣We think their expectations of us are not what they actually are​

☠️We expect more of ourselves than we are able to give​

But the thing is?​

If you don’t keep going deeper…if you don’t ask the hard questions…if you don’t get the hard answers you’re nervous about getting…you will never TRULY change their lives.​

This is why I created this episode for you.​

To walk you through exactly how to do this so you never come up against a client roadblock you don’t feel equipped to handle​.

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Ep. 003 – Why Traditional Mindset Work Isn’t Going To Cut It With Emotional Eaters

By EXPAND, The Podcast No Comments


Episode Description

The fact that mindset work is crucial for the long-term success of our nutrition clients is not exactly 🚨BREAKING NEWS🚨 or anything…

Almost every coach has dabbled with mindset work in their clients’ programs in hopes of freeing them from…

😭 their negative relationship with food
🍔 their chronic dieting cycles and yo-yo mentality
❣️ and their incessant numbing/coping behavior patterns

But why, then…with so much talk of mindset work in mainstream nutrition coaching? Why do so many clients STILL leave our programs struggling to feel great about themselves…to stay away from the Ben and Jerry’s after a particularly hard day…or to not feel that pang of guilt after an “off the wagon” weekend?

🤔Why doesn’t our mindset work…WORK??

In this podcast, I’m going to share with you the barriers to change our traditional mindset hacks are creating when we go to implement them with our clients…AND what you should be doing instead to take your mindset strategies deep into their subconscious – where the real work must be done.

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